I recently read The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson. Two ideas stand out for me.
The first is that the small decisions we make, compounded over time, make a huge difference in our lives – like whether we exercise or not, or whether we save a little money each month. Those same little things we do to take ourselves from “failure” to “survival,” can also take us from “survival” to great “success” – IF we keep doing them! Most of us don’t. Things start to get comfortable, and we relax our efforts.
The second is that reading 10 pages a day of a “good book” will change your life. I read anyway, and am always looking for books that will inspire me to expand my perspective, but I hadn’t made a commitment to read 10 pages a day. I remembered that when I wanted to read a lengthy book a few years ago, this is exactly what I did. And it worked! Now, in the few weeks since I read ‘The Slight Edge,’ I have already read two other books! My perspective is changing, and I am exploring topics I probably wouldn’t have taken the time to learn about. I like that.
You are welcome to download my “ONEPAGE Summary” of The Slight Edge, and use it to inspire you to read the book, or to create your own notes. Enjoy!