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Working through this book is like having your own personal life coach!
Maria Nemeth has done an outstanding job of guiding the reader through a series of engaging activities leading to a complete strategy for “playing the game” of life with clarity, focus, ease and grace. Her instructions for creating a “game worth playing” (based on your values and intentions), explanation of the challenges of “trouble at the border” (moving ideas into reality), and guidelines for effective action, will leave you feeling energized and empowered, ready to take action towards personal fulfillment.
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LUMINOSITY = clarity, focus, ease, and grace in action Luminosity is the result of action that reflects who you are. Physical Reality = dense, impermanent, unpredictable (waves) Trouble at the Border: Saboteur voice = resistance to change Obstacles = create interest, opportunity to develop mastery Game worth playing = a Goal based on a Life’s Intention
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time based) CLARITY = seeing what is truly important When you see clearly where you are, EXERCISE: reveal the Saboteur voice (p25) EXERCISE: list Monkey Mind symptoms (p59-62) Just observe.
Monkey Mind vs Wisdom ASK yourself… (instead of ‘What should I do?’)
EASE = venturing toward our dreams without struggle Coherence = actions in alignment with what you value Take corrective action to restore coherence. We are here to become conscious conduits of energy. Focus the six energies on your goal: | Nevertheless, I am willing… TOOLS for playing the game EXERCISE: Life’s Intentions Inventory (p72-73) Affirmation = statement of what is true right now Write: “I am willing to be” before each of your life’s intentions. Standards of Integrity = principles that guide you EXERCISE: Your Standards of Integrity (values) (p86-90)
This list is a reflection of who you are.
See directly into the heart of who people really are, ontologically. (p127) FOCUS = directing energy/attention toward what calls to our heart Our conclusions shape our personal life experiences.
Process we use to create our life experiences:
Whatever you focus on repeats itself. How to shift your focus/attention?
GRACE = the outward expression of inward harmony of the soul Principle = guideline (from within), not a rule (imposed)
Shift your focus from responsibility to privilege.
Cultivate gratitude. Keep a gratitude journal. |
Stage 1: CREATION (occurs in metaphysical reality)
Stage 2: LIFT OFF (transition from metaphysical to physical) 'Trouble at the Border' requires most energy, subtle movement. | Stage 3: MOMENTUM (flow) Enjoy results, pace yourself.
Stage 4: STABILITY (mastery) Beware of entropy, finish. Stage 5: BREAKTHROUGH (create new goal) |